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Recently I traveled two hours to Georgetown, about 30 miles north of Austin. Once I was outside ATX city limits, the highway to became less crowded and I felt my mind and body relax. It felt nice to pass the hustle + bustle and continue onto more serene lands.

georgetown-town-square1. Explore the Most Beautiful Town Square in Texas

The relaxation continued as I parked (for free 🙌) at Georgetown’s Town Square – the Most Beautiful Town Square in Texas. I found solace walking the shaded streets of Georgetown and walking into boutiques and shops, unaware of what I would find. After spending no more than 10 minutes walking around, I heard numerous people pass each other and stop to chat. The small town charm was definitely there.

georgetown-city-art2. Enjoy a creme latte and lunch (or breakfast) at the Sweet Lemon Kitchen

Georgetown’s Town Square features numerous cafes, boutiques and beautiful street art. I enjoyed one of the best lattes of my life – a perfectly sweetened lavender creme latte – at The Sweet Lemon Kitchen. If you’re planning on visiting Georgetown, I highly recommend stopping by this picturesque cafe with soups, salads, sandwiches and amazing desserts on the menu.

georgetown-shopping-sincerely-yours-18483. Boutique it up!

After lunch, I continued my walk through Town Square and came across an amazing boutique, Sincerely Yours 1848, after spotting some trendy clothes outside on a clearance rack. The interior continued to impress with soft sweaters, artsy books, and cute trinkets.

sheraton-austin-georgetown-park4. Get some fresh air at one of Georgetown’s numerous parks

After my soul was full with hot soup and new gifts from Sincerely Yours, I headed to the Sheraton Austin Georgetown, my hotel for the evening. The Sheraton property is set amongst the trees of Rivery Park, a 5-minute walk away! After checking in and settling into my room, I tossed on some shorts on headed to the park for some outdoor time.

sheraton-austin-georgetown-restaurant5. Indulge at Brix and Ale – fireside

That evening I had reservations at Brix and Ale, part wine bar, part local pub located inside the hotel. Normally I don’t have a difficult time choosing from a menu because a couple entrees usually pop out but once I did a once over, I knew Brix and Ale was going to be a game changer.

sheraton-gunther-georgetown-restaurantI kicked off the meal with fried green tomatoes + crab followed by an seared ahi tuna salad with cucumbers, watermelon, avocados, mint + crispy onions, and then the main entree – blackened Texas redfish with a shellfish cioppino broth (!!!) and fingerling tomatoes. This entire meal was also enjoyed by firelight on Brix and Ale’s spacious patio. Before I left, the kitchen presented me with a perfectly crisp crème brûlée. Not only was the food impeccable, but the service as well.

sheraton-austin-georgetown-breakfastI slept beautifully that night and awoke to a fresh order of pecan pancakes, a surprisingly large bowl of tasty berries, and all the coffee. Honestly, one of the best hotel breakfasts I had and I could enjoy it all in bed. Thank you, Sheraton Gunter!

blue-hole-park-georgetown6. Lagoon seeing at Blue Hole Park

Before I could leave Georgetown, I had to visit the Blue Hole Park, a scenic lagoon bordered by limestone bluffs along the South Fork of the San Gabriel River. Water was slightly overflowing because of the recent rainfall but it didn’t take away from the beautiful sound of rushing water filling my ears. If the weather had been a bit warmer, I would’ve loved to wade throughout the water and enjoy lunch across the Blue Hole along the banks. Looks like I will have to return in 2019!

sheraton-gunther-georgetown-wine7. Pour yourself a glass of wine while touring Town Square.

Next time you’re craving a getaway, but don’t want to the intense city feel of Austin, travel up to Georgetown and let yourself relax. Oh, and one of the best parts of Georgetown, they have an open container law which means you can BYOB or 🍷 while you explore the Most Beautiful Town Square in Texas. Cheers!



**This post was sponsored by Georgetown CVB, however, all opinions are our own.